Our Story...
'In the beginning God,' Genesis 1:1 The year was 1986, the month February, the day Wednesday, the hour was late and the night was dark. It was on this night that God turned up and a miraculous healing which shook the area around South Tyrone began the work which Continues to grow even today. From February of that year John and Doreen Greenaway along with David Robinson watched the Lord heal and save multitudes from across the province and by that December over 1,100 souls had come to Christ. They simply 'preached the word and the Lord worked with them confirming the word with signs following' Mark 16:15
'And the lord added daily to the church such as should be saved' Acts 2:47 In 1993 the work continued and the crowds had become so great that the ;Acorn' was birthed and the work of 'The River Of Life' increased and the fellowship was born. 'From little acorns mighty oaks grow' people came, seed was sown and the harvest continued. Hundreds found health and freedom from sickness and diseases and received new life as they stepped across the threshold of the 'The River of Life'.
Acts 1995 and still we 'preach, teach and heal the sick and cast out devils' Mark 3 14:15 On the 16th November 1996 a new building was erected to accommodate the work and in particular the various 'Summer Camp Meetings' which were soon to draw people from around the world. Ministry teams, evangelists and preachers graced the fellowship with fresh manna and the people were fed morning and evening. Amazing days, indeed we serve an amazing God for miracles and healings are an almost daily occurrence as people plunge in 'The River of Life'.
By faith we continue to 'run with patience the race that is set before us...Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,' Hebrews 12:1-2 10th February 07, sees another milestone in the work, another new building and a renewed desire to see Christ glorified. Hundreds still find Christ, receive healing and are filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Truly 'the Lord is wonderful and does marvellous things' 1 Chronicles 16:24 CEV. Please pray for us that even more souls will find Christ and that the anointing will increase daily for truly there are 'multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision' Joel 3:14