
Jesus taught that healing is the will of God, and he still wants to heal people today. We have seen some wonderful healing miracles throughout our time as a fellowship. We include just a few of many testimonies here. We are dedicated to seeing people healed, as Jesus taught and wants today. We have trained ministry teams who will pray for you...

Heart Attack

All I know is that on the 12th of April this year, I collapsed with a major heart attack. I was actually clinically dead as I hit the ground, but thanks to the closeness of a defibrillator & trained first aiders I was resuscitated . I was taken to Craigavon Hospital where I lay in a coma for some ten days during this time I was not expected to live, & if I did survive I would be severely brain damaged.

During this time many kind people prayed for me. I have been told that prayers were said for me in some eleven separate counties in Ireland, in churches of all denominations & by your good selves. These prayers worked!

Today I am in very good health, having had a couple of stints put in & to quote my consultant "the prospect of further surgery is very remote" The medical staff at Craigavon & the students in the College where I work refer to me as the miracle man.

I know that God answered the prayers of a lot of good people - there is no other explanation for my recovery. What I do not yet know is why, but I cannot help thinking that He saved my life for a reason & this will be revealed in His own time, which will be the right time.

I am also very humbled as to why He should respond to prayers for me I do not consider my self worthy of His notice, but as I have said all will be revealed in the fullness of time. In the meantime I thank Him every day, & try to lead a life which would please him. I say try, but I fail often. However I know that He forgives me every time I fall short.

Pastor Greenaway, I hope this conveys my Thanks & Wonder as to why God answered so many prayers on behalf of my unworthy self.

Thank you for all your Kindness, Ian Hansard

God Healed Me

I had started to feel pain down my right leg, I didn't take much notice of it at first but as the pain started to increase and walking was now starting to become a problem I knew this was serious. As a Christian I prayed to God for healing and I made up my mind that then there was no need to go to the Doctor. Over the next few months the pain was so severe that a visit to the Doctor was arranged, I felt that I had let God down but what else could I do. My Doctor diagnosed the pain was coming from a slipped disc that was pressing against the Sciatic Nerve. I then started about eight weeks of physiotherapy.

Meanwhile I then spoke to the Pastors of my church (River of Life Healing Centre) John and Doreen Greenaway and received pray for healing, still nothing happened. Physiotherapy was now a weekly event but the problem was getting worse instead of better. I continued to work for my employer even though the pain was having the effect that I could hardly walk. I questioned God in the whole matter knowing that he has the power to heal me and with no success with the Physiotherapy I was then transferred back to my doctor who then arranged a visit to the consultant.

At the time of waiting to see a consultant I started to notice the pain was getting less and less. When it came to the visit to the consultant I was well improved, I told the consultant that I was only suffering from a little pain now and she then arranged another visit in a month's time to see how things were going. When that time came I had been completely healed and told the consultant that God had healed me. That was nearly a year ago and I have no doubts that it was God who has healed me.

Thank you God, Tony McKee